Photos: GrainEdit.com

I love the look of graphic book covers. I do believe that you can judge a book by its cover. Fact: some are just better than others - long live Chip Kidd!, and while roaming around a bookstore recently, I realized how similar it was to roaming around a gallery. There really is some great art on the covers.

This is remarkable realization for me since I'm not really the biggest reader, and rarely make it past the periodicals in any bookstore. I'm glad a ventured out. 

I now have this great idea of collecting these amazing books with their amazing covers and starting a graphic library! I've been to houses with rooms full of books and am always in awe (assuming that they have read every one) and shame (I have no intention of ever reading that many books) and jealousy (I do love the aesthetic of a library).

Now I can visually justify having one. Suck it, nerds.