Smiley Body Rubbing Friction Massage Oil
This isn't the newest product out there, but man is it a nice one. First, I was visually drawn to the package, not even knowing what it was (way to go yellow). Next, I smelled it...like a monkey. Sometimes shopping can be so primitive. I then learned from reading the label that it is an epidermal stimulating massaging oil with micro-nutrients to activate happiness. Hooray for evolution! Well, I love all of those words! Then words that were a little less sexy like, monoaminated alkaloids, phenylethylamine, pharmacodynamic...zzzzz. Oh wait! More good ones...euphoria, endorphins, friction, psycho-active cocktail...thats better. So, I am eager to not just rub the sample all over my hands and arms (like a monkey), but find a willing, evolved participant (who does or doesn't have to know how to read) to share in the Smiley.