I have never been the type of person to walk around without a shirt...NOT that I don't want to, rather I don't seem to have the balls.  Lucky for me, I can do the next best thing with these little darlings I found at the AA factory in downtown LA.  Not only are the the softest most amazing fabric in the whole wide world, they also work photoshop-like wonders for your body.  They are like a soft lens on your torso giving just the slightest illusion of a better version of you naked.  They are amazing for layers, with skinny jeans as a tunic type top, with shorts kind of half tucked in, anything.  It really is the perfect T-shirt for when you wanna be a little skanky but can't seem to grow a pair, or if it is just a little too cold to be walking around titties out.    

I can see my neighbor's house through this one...wave hello...