I know, I know..."Read?!"  But trust me, it makes sense here. There aren't a ton of words. It is more of a picture book...for adults...with a heart...that has fallen out of favor... 

With all of the things that we "ooooh" and "aaaah" over at BlendingReality, sometimes we have to takes stock of our possessions and wonder what they are really worth in a larger picture. What personal meaning have we put in them and how do they tell my story? I hope that each thing I feature on this site tells a little bit about me. I mean, what is the point of having style if it doesn't reflect who you are? We should all put the LIFE in lifestyle.

This sad book/catalog is the objectification of a failed romance. I'm familiar with that one. It is told via photos and lot descriptions of sentimental items belonging to the couple. That caters to my attraction to chotchkies, and my love of snooping around other peoples' homes.

It may not be the feel-good book of the year, but it is worth the read...and it can be one more thing to put on a shelf...

Check out the author's video about the book HERE.