The first big wave of Spring travel is upon us. While I believe it is always a good time to jaunt around the globe and show off your goody bags, this is the perfect opportunity to posit a few ways to present a little more savvy and, well, taste when choosing just what bags you are going to be exhibiting around various locales. I have a current top three I'd take just about anywhere...and show anybody that was sober enough to ask...

First, we have the amazing tote by Property Of... that can fit just about anything for a quick little getaway. I travel light and hate to check bags. I could probably get a weeks worth of living into this one...I'd just have to ship anything else I got along the way home.

Next up is this adorably nifty computer bag. "Trash" by Travelteq is the perfect case to bring the most important accessory (after sunscreen) around. I love the size (enough room for a little bit more but not too much) color blocking, zippers, and shape, and it is always nice to have a computer handy without feeling like a (total) geek.

Finally, the must have excess-ory of the season...Christian Schoeler x Louis Vuitton via menswear designer Paul Helbers bags are OUT OF THIS WORLD GOOD. Hell, if I had this bag, why travel? I'd just live in it...and you could visit me.